
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Help today for better tomorrow

In this world of so much of growth prosperity  and materialism there are few people to whom life has not been so kind and are at the mercy of the society for their survival. The homeless people found in the streets of our country are many a times  senior citizens / young adults who have been either abandoned by the families or lost the family members. Such people end up in streets and are bound to face the atrocities of the society.

The mission of Helpdrive Foundation  is to help such people in all our capacity. We try to make life a bit comfortable and simpler  for such underprivileged  people.

There is one more underprivileged section of the society which consists of specially abled people. At Helpdrive foundation we believe there are two types of disability which prevails in people, one which is external disability and the other is internal one.  Internal disability is the one where the person is suffering from some internal issues of the body like some  illness or kidney issues, where they cannot do any strenuous work. At helpdrive Foundation our mission is to make these types of people independent and more hopeful in their lives.  We provide Disabled Cabin where they can make living by opening a small grocery shop or a food stall.  We provide this to the people who are not able to find any job anywhere  and are willing to work hard for there future. 

Many a times there are children in the society who are not able to complete their education due to some unavoidable circumstances for instance loss of earning member of the family  and  are not able to grow further in life.  Many a time these children are either with single parent who is struggling to meets ends for the family or unfortunately have lost both parents. The mission of HelpDrive Foundation is to helps such children to complete the education by paying fees of the same school/college where they were studying  before. Through our project  Education Support we help such kids to grow in their lives. 

Another mission of of Helpdrive foundation, which is part of helping the society is by providing yearly groceries to some people who do not have any income source and are neither in the condition to go out and earn for themselves,  specially senior citizens who do not have jobs, pensions etc. and also people who suffer from terminal illness and have difficulty to do hard work. 

Including all the above missions we have a hashtag

In today’s fast world of social media, children are not very close to the humanity aspect of the society. This is a small effort from Helpdrive foundation to bring the feeling of humanity in the younger generation through social media


Field Experience




Homeless Recused


Shelters Supported By Help Drive Foundation